So, today, over 40k words into the first, rough draft, as I was
writing a scene, a line came to me from the first book, Portrait of a Girl
Running. It’s at the end of the first chapter, which means it will make for a
nice bookend, so to speak. The line alludes to something Leila’s father used to
call her—Leila-at-Large. It had to do with her always being on the move, about
how she would need to fall between the cracks, undetected.
I then looked up “at large” in my Mac dictionary and found, serendipitously, that the term also has a sailing application having to do with
the wind blowing from a favorable direction (okay, so I hadn’t ever heard of
that, but I still have a lot of sailing research ahead of me—sure wish I could remember
half of what I researched for Uncharted!)
So, I have at least a portion of the title: Portrait of --- At Large. The question is, do I go with Portrait of a Girl At Large, even though Leila is no longer a girl—she's now twenty-four. Or, I could go with Portrait of Leila-at-Large. Hmmm...I'm just not sure which works better. I'm open to opinions! Aside from finishing the first draft, and deciding on the title, I need to figure out if the A in ‘at’ should be capitalized.
Oh, and in case anyone is curious about some elements of the
story, I have a pin board on Pinterest where I am gathering bits of information
and images.