Okay, I love formatting! I admit it! Whenever I receive a
manuscript or piece of text from another writer, divided into chapters and
scenes, I get an urge to format it! I wasn’t always a formatting geek—it came
about quite by accident. When I write, I do it in clumps of text, without
regard for chapters or scenes. Later on, I go back and add my page breaks and
scene changes. Problem was, I constantly adjusted them, splitting and combining
chapters and scenes, and then had to go back and renumber everything. What a
Then I discovered how to make my chapters number themselves,
and even improved the way I could navigate through my own manuscript. Humor me here...if you’ll notice in the snapshot of my screen,
the Document Map panel on the left shows all my chapters and scenes for easy
reference. And the Formatting Pane on the right shows only the formatting I
have in use. From there, I can adjust everything in my manuscript. If you want
to play around, do so on a duplicate or new document. (Be aware, though, that this is for MS Windows, 03
edition. I don’t know anything about the 07 version or Macs—sorry.) And you may want to be
sure you have the Formatting toolbar displayed: View>Toolbars>Formatting.
I will explain using the menu bar across the top.
From the menu bar click View>Document Map. A pane opens
on the left side.
Now, Format>Styles and Formatting—which opens a pane on
the right. At the bottom, choose Formatting in use. Keep that open.
Place cursor where you want your chapter heading.
Format>Bullets and Numbering>Outlined Numbered tab>Chapter 1>Okay.
Chapter 1 will show up on your document, likely at your left
margin (it will also appear in the Document Map)—probably Arial font, or
whatever your default font is. If this is for a manuscript, highlight the words
Chapter 1. If a font button is not on your toolbar, Go to Format>Font>Times
New Roman. Font size: Regular. Size:12. Now, Center it, either from the toolbar,
or Format>Paragraph>Alignment: Center.
Now, highlight Chapter 1 on your document. In the Formatting
pane, Chapter 1 Heading 1 + Centered will be ‘highlighted’. Each time you start
a new chapter after a page break, click on that and the next chapter in sequence will appear. If you combine chapters or split them, the sequence will be synchronized automatically.
If anyone knows a simpler way to do all that, please share!
Tomorrow, I will show you how to make each scene a heading
under the chapter.
Any questions so far? Anything you want me to mess around