"...fiction that falls outside the categories of genre fiction. Much fiction falls into the so-called popular commercial genres of romance, mystery, suspense, thriller, Western, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. Writing that falls in none of these categories is often called "literary."
By that desctiption, Story for a Shipwright definitely fits, though I have found that many agents' opinions of what constitutes "literary" varies greatly. For some, it seems to get tossed in with General, Mainstream, and Commercial fiction. I queried Story for a Shipwright as Literary at first, but found it didn't fit what agents who represent Literary fiction required. I queried it as Commercial, only to be told, 'I don't represent Literay fiction.' Go figure.
So, I adjusted my approach.
Now I'm querying it as Commercial fiction with a literary bent or Literay fiction with commercial appeal. Honestly, sometimes the whole querying gig feels like a crapshoot, and that's okay. The worst an agent can say is, "I'm sorry, this just doesn't sound right for my list." And that's okay, too; at least 8 agents have felt like my novel had/has enough potential to ask for more.