Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Header Postponed...

...until I return from  the land of the technologically deprived and environmentally-imposed blogging hiatus. Yes, you've seen this picture before—it's where I'll spend whatever quiet time I can steal away from visiting with family and friends in New Hampshire. 

I have been making some progress on the header artwork, and I hope to work on it a little while I'm gone, but that remains to be seen...


  1. Oh, I remember missing you last year when you left!

  2. Yes, It's our biannual--or is that semiannual pilgrimage, though I think this year it may be hard to keep track when we're unsupervised and at large!

  3. :) Thanks Glenn, I'll try--like a dove...

  4. It is Paul! I'm enjoying it even now. It's amazing how a change of scenery gets the creative energies going! But you know that!

  5. Your writing space is beautiful, beautiful. You talk of New Hampshire and suddenly I imagine that John Irving is in the house next door working on his next book beside you as you work on yours. The race is on! Can't wait to read both of you.

  6. beautiful writing space. a room with a view is necessary! enjoy your time there :)

  7. Okay, JB, you've been away long enough .... come home!

  8. Mischief: I'm sure John Irving will win that race! I have to admit, though--the surroundings out here are inspiring...

    Dayana: Hi! and thanks for stopping by--sorry I've been so remiss in acknowledging you...probably too much time gazing out at my view :)

    PJ:...if only there weren't an 18 hour drive involved...soon, though...patience...:)
